Employer’s statement (type of employment contract, years of service, duration, annual salary and position)
Tax return of last calendar year
Are you self-employed? Autónomo ZZP
Letter from the accountant (company details, confirmation of invoicing and company profits over the last 2 years)
Self-employed tax return for the last two years
Annual accounts past two years
Other (after first assessment)
Proof of other source of income
Credit report BKR and Experian
Bank statement for the last 6 months
Amount of the mortgage 60% to 70% of the lowest value to non-residents 80% of the lowest value to tax residents
The bank considers you to be a fiscal resident if you can submit a first income tax assessment in Spain!
On these documents we need the details of both partners.
We will assess your supplied information critically and then make a personal recommendation on the likelihood of a mortgage in Spain.
When we apply for the mortgage with 3 banks, we calculate a percentage of 2% of the total amount excluding 21% iva. Our bank staff will then contact you in your own language so that no misunderstandings can arise.